make an error

美 [meɪk ən ˈerər]英 [meɪk ən ˈerə(r)]
  • 犯错误
make an errormake an error
  1. If you make an error and must recover an original , you might simply type


  2. In an organisation our size , it is inevitable that we will from time to time see people slip up and make an error .


  3. Then we get the ideal model of ship-body curved surface from the CAD software and make an error margin of outline evaluation .


  4. The change in working temperature may make an error in the output , but it can be avoided by proper design and byadopting suitable experimental procedure .


  5. Or it could lead you to miss a traffic light . Or it could lead you to make an error in a million-dollar contract , he says .


  6. Southwest lent a flawed review of the of ad copy and instantly pulled that off once it realized it make an error .


  7. Or you make an accounting error that costs your company thousands of dollars ?


  8. Too many divorces : everyone can make such an error once , but to repeat it several times shows poor judgment and lack of willpower .


  9. The only exception is , of course , if you make an insignificant error that will not affect anyone or if you can fix it before it does .


  10. The only exception is if you make an insignificant error that will not affect anyone . Otherwise , don 't try to hide your mistake . You will look terrible if someone else discovers it .


  11. If you happened to make an XML coding error , you will see an error output instead .
